Confessions of a Perfectionist


“Wipe that grin off your face,” I said.  “I’m not working today.  I can talk however I want.”

I was responding to a friend who loved to catch me mid-sentence as I committed grammar faux-pas.  This time I had said who instead of whom . . . or maybe it was there’s when it should have been there are.  In any case, it was my day off and I wasn’t in the mood to have my grammar policed.

The problem with being an editor is that one loses the right to make mistakes.  People expect me to be perfect in my grammar, spelling, and punctuation . . . even when I’m not editing a book.

I can’t really take advantage of the relaxed cyber-atmosphere of all-lowercased letters and punctuation-free run-ons. Of course, I’ve been grammar-aware for so long, I don’t think I could let it all hang out if I tried. (You should see me trying to text . . . It takes me 15 minutes to send one message because I’m making sure all the periods and commas are in place.)

So . . . in light of this profession-appropriate perfectionism, you can imagine my dismay when I noticed yesterday that my second post, made on August 22, had an error not only in the first sentence . . . but in the first word! My perfectionism was slipping and I was only two posts into this new blogging enterprise. Grateful that my blushing couldn’t be seen across the cyber-waves, I quickly corrected the typo and hit “update.”

I suppose I had better get used to having “my slip show” if I’m going to play in this public sandbox. (Mixed metaphor, I know, but I’m practicing letting my hair down.)

Check back at a later date when I write more about perfectionism and the role it plays in Writer’s Block.

4 comments on “Confessions of a Perfectionist

  1. Carlene Brown says:

    I love the mixed metaphors!

  2. Lori Shields says:

    When creating hand build quilts, there is always supposed to be some measure of imperfection. That is how you know the quilt isn’t factory built. I love that you create and show a human side to your perfectionist ways. When you let your slip show, I am less intimidated and I know that if you see a hint of black lace under my hem line, you won’t point it out. (At least not in public.)

    • writingcoachnomi says:

      This is a beautiful analogy, Lori.
      Here’s a thought: in its own way, perfectionism is an imperfection, isn’t it?

  3. Sameyh says:

    Beautiful blogging ~ All the entries are amazing. Writing from your Body felt like the all acute Buddha (or his disciple) was perspicaciously giving me the lessons I needed! Thanks.

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